These are my pictures.

This are my pictures that I really don't think
highly of. Some of my sisters pictures will be displayed along side of mine. Sort of a dream for her to see a website on dragons
done by her older sister.
Water dragon
This dragon was inspired by a tv show that isn't too popular among all of the other tv shows. Still, I like
this picture.

Faerie dragon that landed on my math homework
This dragon landed on my math homework... hey, I redid the homework,
but not the dragon.

Babie dragon
Yes, I know I spelled baby wrong. This dragon I did in
school when asked to draw a dragon.

Vickie's Air Dragon:
This is one of the wonderful dragons mysister has drawn.
She is so talented:) I wonder how she would feel if she knew that I have posted one of her pictures...

A purely Neopian picture that I thought all would like to see.

This is Kyii, another pure neopian product. Feel free to click
to enlarge.

A Note to all:
If I drew it, please don't come along and claim that you did. I'll
be keeping my eyes out. If, for any reason, I should find some of my art on another person's webpage, claiming that
they drew it, I will shut this site down and start something new. I know, though, that you are all kind people and wouldn't
dare steal anything without giving the rightful credit to the artist. So, sorry to take up your time.
Coming soon:
More pictures from:
My closet
Under the bed
In my camera
From my art portfolio
Any I think up and decide to draw
From my sister's skilled hand