§ Baird's Dragon Den §

Sneak Previews

Dragon mythology
Picture Gallery
My Sketches
My favorite books on dragons
~Dragon Riders~
If they were real...
Dragon Riddles
Dragons Of Today
Contact me
Sneak Previews
The inside scoop: curiosities of my dragon


Under Construction


This page is a ...
of the next few things that will most likely appear on this site. You, my friend, are about to take a look at some great previews!


Coming soon to our site:
The strange encriptions: What do we mean by this?
Button:  Look down
Dragon Riddles: Dragons were very good at solving riddles. Do you have what it takes to solve these riddles?
Dragons Of Today: We have dragons living among us.  Where and how? You'll have to wait and see.


cathy1991 got their Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Because I cannot contact this person directly, I will have to give it to him, or her, through this box. Boeotia is pronounced  \bē-ˈō-sh(ē-)ə\, or, in my way of putting it, Bay oshe uh.  Hope that helps!

... Sorry you can't see this one.